Collection: Kharadron Overlords

The Kharadron Overlords are a faction of technologically advanced duardin who abandoned their mountain holds in the Realm of Chamon to flee the horrors of the Age of Chaos by taking to the skies.

The Kharadron Overlords are militaristic, mercantile duardin who dominate the skies of the Mortal Realms upon gigantic skyvessels and floating sky-ports held aloft by a mix of engineering prowess, burgeoning science and industrialised magic.

Driven by a need for profit as much as honour like other duardin, they employ wondrous techno-arcane devices powered by aether-gold -- the lifeblood of the Kharadron empire.

The Kharadron are a mostly secular culture who prefer to rely on their own arcane science and ingenuity than lean on the power provided by any god, even those traditionally worshipped by the duardin.

All Kharadron live by the Kharadron Code, a written constitution that defines a society firmly based on meritocracy and pragmatism.